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Lawn lights, stars walking in cities


Daylighting and nighttime performance are all important in lighting design. In order to show more vivid landscape effect at night, it is necessary to design the lighting system of lawn lamp scientifically and reasonably.

(1) first determine the style of lawn lanterns.

For example, the light transmittance of the luminaire hood is 100% fully transparent or 50% frosted semi-transparent, which can easily be ignored, but will affect the average road illumination Eav after the completion of the project;

Then determine the height of the lawn lamp (generally in the range of 0.4-0.8 m), the specific height is calculated according to the type of lamps and lanterns and different project model space ratio.

(2) after the completion of the basic conditions, the layout of the points is started.

The arrangement is divided into three types: "character", "unilateral" and "bilateral".

The distance between lamps and lanterns should be calculated according to the road width and illumination requirement. For example, 0.45M high lawn lamp should be arranged in the shape of "2 m wide". In order to ensure the requirement of Eav = 10-15lm/, the distance between lamps and lanterns should be controlled between 8-12m.

According to the characteristics of the project and the symmetrical arrangement of the points, it ensures that each household has a lawn lamp. It not only satisfies the illumination, but also plays a prompting and guiding role. Increasing the distance will inevitably lead to the improvement of illumination. However, the illumination of the single light source can be reduced according to the existing conditions to meet the average control illumination at the beginning of the design. Degree.

According to the estimated value of the arrangement of points, only control the distance between lamps and lanterns, without considering the characteristics of the project and landscape requirements of the aesthetic, from the diagram can be seen that there is no regularity and random points.

Next, the applicability and economy of the three principles of distribution are described in detail.

(1) unilateral arrangement

This kind of method is suitable for straight-line pedestrian road, which is arranged on the right side of the road (according to the rules of the road), and it is more economical because it saves the pipelines and cables between roads.

(2) bilateral arrangement

This kind of method is seldom used in practical projects. At present, it is only used in Jimo Long Mountain. It is mainly based on the European axial symmetry to arrange the prominent ritual feeling and adopt the special fan-shaped smooth surface to enhance the lighting effect. However, it is not used in conventional lighting. Because of its low economy, it will increase the work of pipelines, cables and lamps. Range.

(3) word arrangement

This kind of method is suitable for curved road, too many arcs with one-side arrangement will lead to uneven illumination, and the zigzag arrangement can better solve this problem.

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